Refreshing drink with this berry summer pick me up
We’ve just come to the end of a four-day heatwave with temperatures persisting in the mid-40s. While trying to stay cool, it suddenly occurred to me that frozen berries would be a brilliant way to not only naturally flavour drinks, but keep it chilled for longer in the scorching heat as well. Feel free to vary the quantities listed according to your taste – more lemon if like your drink tangy, more honey if you prefer things sweeter, etc.
3-4 large handfuls of frozen berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries)
1/2 lemon, thinly sliced
1 bunch of mint
Manuka honey to taste, dissolved in a little warm water
1.25 still or sparkling mineral water, preferably chilled
Ice-cubes (optional)
Place frozen berries, lemon, mint, and honey into a large pitcher. Cover with a small amount of mineral water and leave for 30 minutes for flavours to infuse.
When ready to serve, top up with ice and the remaining chilled mineral water.